In Transition
In Transition is a juried publication; all manuscripts are reviewed and approved for publication by a panel of members from the NYSMSA Board of Directors. In Transition features articles on implementing the NYS Standards, APPR, 21st Century Skills, teaming, interdisciplinary instruction, authentic assessment, flexible scheduling, integrating technology into instructional programs, and application of the Essential Elements. The publication focuses on answering the question: How could your success or experience be replicated or have an impact on other middle-level programs across New York?
To submit an article for consideration in In Transition, please review the submission guidelines and send the article as a MS WORD attachment to: szielinski@nysmsa.org
Winter 2016
View Entire Issue: In Transition
Some articles include:
Using Two Sides of the Coin: Using Risk Assessment to Promote a Growth Mindset, by Ron Klemp, Ed.D. Technology in the Classroom, by Russell B. Moore, Ph.D.
School Improvement Process: A Collaborative Process Using the Schools-to-Watch Rubric, by Ned Dale
A Simple Equation: Math Clubs Increase Math Practice, by Linda K. Schlosser & Betsy Balzano
Team Work: Inquiry Development Process for Sixth Grade Social Studies, by Kim Tinder & Kim Cristal
Fall 2014
View Entire Issue: In Transition
Some articles include:
Community Connection, by Brian Nolan
Reaching the Reluctant Writer, by Drew McEvoy
Set Sail for the High “C’s” in Your Planning and Activities, by Rick Heckendorn, Ed.D.
Book Talks into the Digital Age, by Pamela Rooney & Tracy Toth
LGBT Rights/Civil Rights in Middle School, by Jeff Moss
Fall 2013
View Entire Issue: In Transition
Some articles include:
Horizons Broadened: A School Visitation in Madrid by Rick Heckendorn, Ed.D.
I Caught the MIddle School Teacher Bug! by Carol Rossi-Fries
Leaving the Comfort Zone: Embarking on the RTI Journy by Julie Colombo
Should Children Really Be Expected to Have Grit? by Peter DeWitt, Ed.D.
Fall 2012
View Entire Issue: In Transition
Some articles include:
The Opportunity Room: A General Education Program for Student Success by Jamie Cruikshank & Randy Burlingame
The Career Fair: An Interdisciplinary Project by Vicki Leroux
Middle School Students Become Successful Readers Due to Technology by Rick Weinberg
Building Comprehension for Struggling Secondary Readers with a Quick Write Protocol by Ronald Klemp, Ed.D.
Fall 2011
View Entire Issue: In Transition
Some articles include:
We're for Young Adolescents by Tom Kane
The Efficacy of Using Graphic Representation to Increase Reading Comprehension by Roberta Wiener, Ed.D.
Horizons Broadened: A School Visitation to Madrid by Rick Heckendorn, Ed.D.
In Praise of Firefighters: Art by John W. Healy, Ed.D.
Spring 2018
View Entire Issue: In Transition
Some articles include:
School Improvement Process by Ned Dale
Collaboration: It’s Not Just About Curriculum! by Thomas Reardon, Ed. D.
College Connections in Middle School by Bret Straus
A Musical Identity- The Student Centered Music Rehearsal by Jennifer Rafferty
Spring 2015
View Entire Issue: In Transition
Some articles include:
What I Learned from Hawkeye Pierce, by Jeannette Stern, Ed.D.
Using Interior Monologues to Foster Reading Comprehension through Empathetic Reading and Writing, by Ron Klemp, Ed.D.
Competition Encouraged in Middle School? Yes!, by Russell B. Moore, Ph.D.
High-Stakes Testing, the Common Core, & Words of Wisdom for Our Classrooms, by Rachel McLoud
Spring 2014
View Entire Issue: In Transition
Some articles include:
Lessons in Character: Development & Implementation of a Three-Year Character Curriculum at Canandaigua MS, by Patrick Case
Learning and Bonding through Adventure, by Hailey Gorman & Jackelynn Giron
Asynchronous Class Time, by Jasper Fox Sr.
Simple Informational Essay Construction Schematic for Writing Intervention, by Ronald Klemp, Ed.D.
Middle-Level Foreign Language Study: Invaluable to the 21st Century Learner, by Kendal Kohlasch & Amy Watt
Spring 2013
View Entire Issue: In Transition
Some articles include:
Common Core in the Classroom by Various Authors
A Visitor's View of Middle Grades Education in the United States of America by Margaret Mulcahy
Ms. Whitesox, Middle School Math Teacher... by Alyssa Polito, Caitlin Rieger, & Dr. Paul Vermette
Why Would Anyone Want to Be a School Leader by Peter DeWitt, Ed.D.
Spring 2012
View Entire Issue: In Transition
Some articles include:
Does Your School Have Broken Windows? by Jason Spector & Tom Murphy
Focusing a Critical Eye on Documentaries by Lisa Bryan & Janie Fitzgerald
The Crystal Chandelier: A Fable by David Karam
EE:STW-An Educational Journey of Collaboration & Reflection by Melissa Brown & Lea Macdonald
Lost in Translation by Dominic Monacelli
Spring 2011
View Entire Issue: In Transition
Some articles include:
May We Help You? by Linda B. Tabit
The Inequalities of Public Education by Peter DeWitt, Ed.D.
What's the Real Story? New York State is a High Educational Performer by Jeffrey Bowen, Ed.D.
Against the Odds: How One School Pressed for Academic Excellence by Anael Alston, Ed.D
Home and Career Skill by Dawk B. Scagnelli
Fall 2016
View Entire Issue: In Transition
Some articles include:
Bullying, Imbalance of Power, & Cooperative Learning by Ed Daniels, D.A., NBCT
Increasing Teacher-Student Contact Time: How to Find It and What to Do with It When You Do by Anthony Mignella
Scheduling 2.0: Creating a Student-Centered Master Schedule within Pre-Existing Confines by Thomas B. Reardon, Ed.D.
Identifying and Recognizing Exemplary Middle-Level Schools by Nance S. Wilson
A Chronicle of Kids by Ross M. Burkhardt
Winter 2015
View Entire Issue: In Transition
Some articles include:
Essential Questions as an Instructional Tool, by Russell B. Moore, Ph.D.
Mindfulness, Critical Thinking, and the “Quoteable” Connection for Middle Schoolers, by Ron Kemp, Ed.D.
The Extent of Implementation of the Essential Elements of Standards-Focued Middle-Level Schools and Programs, by Jeff Craig, Ed.D.
Have We Lost Our Way? by Dr. Valerie Kelsey
Winter 2014
View Entire Issue: In Transition
Some articles include:
Why Our Middle School Has a Gay-Straight Alliance by Donald F. Gately
The Importance of Meaningful Research: An 8th Grade Inquiry-Based Research Project Focused on Night and the Holocaust Embedded with CCLS by Kate Arney & Ann Myers
From the Football Field to the Classroom: Lessons Learned from the Game by Jim Berti
Musings from a Working Adminstrator by Andrew Green
Winter 2013
View Entire Issue: In Transition
Some articles include:
When a Teacher Quits by Peter DeWitt, Ed.D
The Socratic Seminar, Technology, and the Common Core by Mary Howard
Tools for Thoughtful Assessment by Harvey F. Silver, Ed.D.
The Evolution of the Modern Middle School Philosophy and Model by Jamie Cruikshank
Integrated Math Position Paper by Nassau & Suffolk County Principal's Associations
Winter 2012
View Entire Issue: In Transition
Some articles include:
Informational Brief: Impact of School Libraries on Student Achievement by New York Comprehensive Center
The Impact of New Secondary School Principals on School Climate by Mark R. Stratton, Ed.D.
Dignity in Adolescence: Finding Character through Curriculum by Timothy Martin, Ed.D. & Chad Walerstein
The Grieving Process of a Student's Death by Helen Mace
In Transition Archives
In Transition journals prior to those listed on the site have been archived and will be on the site shortly. In the meantime, if you are in need of a back issue, please email szielinski@nysmsa.org with the issue date you are requesting for a copy.
Journals may be accessed by hovering over the desired issue and then clicking on the link "View Entire Issue." The link will take you to a PDF uploaded to Google Drive. Here you may view the issue or download it to open it in Adobe Acrobat Reader for your convenience.